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Welcome to RW

           Adults in Reception: Miss Wroe, Mrs Ibrahim, Miss Gahan and Miss Wailes. 


  • Reception starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.30pm.

  • Please drop off and pick up your child promptly at the classroom door in the Reception playground.

  • Children should come to School every day in full uniform including black school shoes.

  • Please make sure they have a coat that is suitable for outdoor play in all weathers and a pair of wellies.

  • Water bottles should be brought every day.

  • All children in Reception are entitled to a free hot lunch every day. 

  • Reading books and key words will be given weekly. Please practise these for at least 10 minutes, 3 times a week and write in your child’s diary.

  • A short homework task will be given on a Friday and should be returned on Monday morning.

  • Children will be given a school snack (fruit and toast) and a carton of milk every day.

  • PE day will be Thursday. We will let you know when this will start.

  • Book bags should be brought to school every day.

  • Please make sure everything is labelled clearly with your child’s name.




  • The Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside was founded in 1962 by people like you who knew they needed to take action.

    Since then they have grown to be the largest nature conservation body in the area. They are uniquely positioned to lead change our region, working at a grass roots, local level whilst also being part of a strong cohesive movement.

    They are our local charity, working hard to improve our local area for wildlife and for you. Since 1912, The Wildlife Trusts have been speaking out for nature in the UK. Our organisation is unique – while most of our work for wildlife takes place at local grassroots level, we have a national voice.

Together, we can take a stand for nature.

Help us protect the precious wildlife and wild places on your doorstep





Rocket Den Building

Rocket Den Building This week, we built a rocket ready to send us to space!  The requirements were- we could dodge aliens, avoid moon dust and swerve the rocks around Saturn! We also needed enough room to fit everyone in! We used teamwork to create our rocket, along...