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Clarendon’s Awards


At Clarendon we strive for the best opportunities for all our children. We pride ourselves on our curriculum and the aspiration our staff have to engage and challenge every learner.

To date we have achieved these externally validated Awards as recognition of the consistent levels of hard work we achieve at school with all the children…

Artsmark Gold Award

Clarendon holds the Gold status for the Artsmark. Artsmark is the Arts Council England’s flagship programme to enable schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their arts and cultural provision.

Leading Parent Partnership Award

The Leading Parent Partnership Award focuses on the impact of parents on children’s learning. It recognises schools that have a strong commitment to working with parents as partners in education, and rewards work in induction, transition, communication, as well as life long learning and enrichment activities.

CREST Bronze Award

The Bronze CREST Award celebrates how groups of children have planned and run a project addressing a real-world STEM problem.

The project evidence assesses enquiry, problem solving and communication skills.


Gold History Quality Mark

The Gold History Quality Mark is awarded to schools that demonstrate a relentless passion to ensure effective learning and achievement through inspiring teaching that engages all children consistently across the school. The Gold status recognises how our curriculum excites all our diverse school community.

Quality Mark Award 

The Basic Skills Quality Mark is an award that celebrates and supports continuous improvement in English and Maths. It is awarded to a setting or school to recognise their provision, practice and performance in English and Maths.

Gilt Primary Science Quality Mark

The Primary Science Quality Mark is a programme that evaluates effective science leadership measuring whole school impact on teaching and learning. The process of achieving the Silver Gilt PSQM  recognises the quailty of the science provison at Clarendon, the good levels of progress made by all the children and the importance of science capital across the wider curriculum. 


The Inclusion Award

The Inclusion Award identifies successful inclusive practice in school and focuses on how a range of elements contribute towards the achievement of all children. The award recognises the strong links with our families and how we support them within the wider community. 

Achievement for All Quality Mark

The quality mark recognises the impressive work being done by the school to improve progress in reading, writing and maths for all children, particularly those with special educational needs or disabilities. 

Gold Rights Respecting Award

School has shown that we have explicitly adopted a child’s rights approach based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and have embedded it in school policy, practice and culture. The children in school can show they have a thorough understanding of the rights respecting attitudes, language and they are embedded across the school. Our children see themselves as rights respecting global citizens and are advocates for social justice, fairness and children’s rights at home and abroad.

RHS Five Star Gardening School Award

Our school has demonstrated that we carefully plan our gardening projects throughout the year and our growing calender matches our life skills cookery timetable where the children cook with the fruit, vegetables and herbs thy grow themselves. Our children can use garden tools effectively and safely caring for their allotment. We have shown that we work within the wider community passing skills onto others.

Gold Green Tree School Award

We have shown that our children are envirnomental activitists who maintain our local environment and teach others the importance of valuing our green spaces. We plant trees within our school grounds each year promoting British species and learn about our ecology through our Forest School provision. Our children are eco warriors and champion recycling in school ensuring all staff cut school waste where possible.

Gold School Mental Health Award

School has been able to show to a very high level that we use evidence based approaches that match with government and professinal guidelines. We use a variety of mental health strategies throughout school that build towards an emotionally healthier environment. School has demonstrated that we have commited to making mental health a strategic priority resulting in a positive culture for everyone.


Healthy Schools Plus

Healthy Schools is a national health promotion programme which aims to embed good practice around health issues in schools and to give children and young people the best possible opportunity to develop positive health behaviours. As a school we have shown that we have made a significant difference with identified at risk groups alongside external partners, changing perceptions of key groups in school. We have strong links with Fort Alice who work closely with several of our classes regarding healthy relationships. 




Investors in Pupils

The Investors in Pupils programme offers schools a framework for involving children in decision making for school, developing responsibility and leadership. They have specific areas to focus upon: learning, behaviour, attendance, school and class management and induction. It is powerful in developing a positive culture where children learn how their school is run and how they can contribute to that process.

Reading Quality Mark

The Liverpool Reading Quailty Mark is an award created in partnership with the National Literacy Trust, aimed at promoting reading for enjoment. The award is given to schools who are able to demostrate highly effective practice with the teaching of reading skills and comprehension, the inclusion of a wealth of reading materials in school, allocated time to read for pleasure, the importance of how children are able to make decsions about our school library and its impact on all children in school, as well as how reading buddies model and coach reading with the younger children.

Primary Geography Quality Mark

The Primary Geography Quality Mark is a prestigious award which recognises and promotes quality and progress in geography leadership, curriculum development and teaching and learning in schools. The award recognises the high standards of geographical teaching and learning across our school. The Primary Geography Quality Mark raises the profile of geography across the whole school community and showcases the impact of the rigorous professional development of the subject leaders.

Step Outside

In the early years at Clarendon we are very proud of our outdoor learning environment and the impact it has on all our children. The team have been celebrated for working together to provide stimulating and exciting opportunities promoting independence and collaborative learning for all our children. The award has involved the whole team reflecting on provision and practise.

Computing Quality Framework

The Computing Quality Mark is awarded to schools who are able to demonstrate good practice from the framework from the National Centre for Computing Education, alongside the British Computing Society. This award aknowledges and celebrates the high quality of our Computing provison across the whole school.

Maths Quality Mark

The Liverpool Counts Maths Mark tackles the negative attitudes, in many areas of society, towards numeracy and mathematics. The school has demonstrated through the accreditation that we challenge these widely held views and promote a culture where people readily understand the impact of good numeracy skills and mathematics qualifications can have on the social, financial and employment aspects to their lives. Our children have been encouraged to make real life connections in their mathematics lessons to real life contexts and within other areas of their school life. 

360 Safe Online Safety Mark

The Online Safety Mark is awarded to school who demonstrate commitment and good practice in their policies and procedures towards keeping children safe online. This spans from simple security, filtering and monitoring, privacy and online stranger danger, AI to cyber bullying, online copyright, digital footprints and reputation.

Writing Quality Mark

The Liverpool Writing Quality Mark has allowed us to externally evaluate and celebrate our dedication to promoting writing for a purpose and pleasure amongst every child in school.

The writing curriculum has been evaluated against six themes: leadership and management, the promotion of writing, writing events and involved of groups, workforce development and CPD, school wide opportunities for writing for pleasure as well as family and community involvement and the use of the local library service.

The National SMSC Quality Mark

School has demonstrated that we have Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development at the heart of our curriculum. School has shown strong evidence that promotes SMSC that raises academic standards and improves children’s life chances.

All stakeholders have been able to talk about how SMSC in our school has raised aspirations for all our children and how they are able to make appropriate choices that will prepare them for life in modern Britain. Through the achievement of the quality mark, school has demonstrated the strong connections with the wider community; allowing the children opportunities to deepen their spirituality, build connections with other communities as well as deepening their knowledge of our School and British Values.

STEM Clubs Quality Mark

The STEM Quality Mark is recognition of the exceptional provision the school offers to young people by enriching the school curriculum. The SCQM provided school with a framework for success to identify and recognise the high calibre of extra-curricular provision provided by school. 

the STEM club has demonstrated the enthusiasm for STEM subjects. increasing attainment and greater awareness of real world contexts. The club was recognised as being able to encourage and develop the children’s aspirations and career capital for their future.