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Nursery admissions

At Clarendon we encourage our children to start nursery as soon as they turn 3 years old.  This provides children with a wealth of experiences and activities before they start in Reception.  Starting children in school nursery helps them to become familiar with school systems, get to know adults in school and allows them to play & make friends with other children.  The provision in nursery is of a very high standard and the outdoor area is fantastic.  Our children love swinging from the climbing tree, getting dirty in the mud kitchen, balancing on the trim trail and playing with the construction equipment in our newly developed construction area.

Please let us know if you have any worries or concerns, we work closely with our parents and encourage all parents to be involved in their child’s nursery experience.

Three-year-old places are free of charge for all children. Parents can choose either 15 hours in the morning or 15 hours in the afternoon.  The morning session is 8.30am – 11.30pm & the afternoon session is 12.30pm – 3.30pm.

We also offer a small number of paid places in this unit, which cost £75 per week for an additional 15 hours.

We currently have 30-hour places for working parents, subject to eligibility and availability. Further information can be provided at the office or through the childcare choices website.

Children who do stay for the full day pay £12.35 per week for lunch time provision & a hot dinner.

You will find more information about the nursery opening times and day to day routines by looking on the Nursery Blog Page.

We encourage all parents to add their child’s name to our waiting list from birth, we will contact you the term before they are eligible for a place. Please visit the school office for an application form. Parents are welcome to visit the setting and meet the staff. Please contact our school office on 01204 333411, to arrange an appointment.