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It’s All About Me days are special days – several times a year- where the children get to chat with their class teacher privately about everything that they’re doing really well at in school. This allows the children to share their love of learning in particular subjects showcasing their determination.

The children get dedicated time to review all of their exercise books in preparation for their ‘It’s All About Me’ chats. They’ll choose special pieces of work to talk about from their books that they’re proud of and say why they make them smile



The class teacher will discuss with the child how well they are progressing in each subject using their personalised target booklets showing they’re achievements so far in the year, and set them clear targets for the next term.

The child’s teacher will share top tips as well that will help them to become even more brilliant than they already are!

The children’s personalised targets are highlighted yellow in real time by the teachers showing the child’s progression through their age related expectations for each subject. These targets are shared with home each half term in your home school reading diaries. The children have ownership of their target booklets and review daily all the wonderful things they’ve yet to learn about during the year.

Taking the time to choose their favourite pieces of work is one of the most rewarding experiences for everyone involved. Thinking about why their work has made them so proud and so happy allows the children to reflect on their own development before their conversations with their teacher.