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Welcome to 3F

Our school day is from 8.40 to 3.30.

Please ensure you check ParentApps regulalry for important information.

School uniform is to be worn every day, this includes black shoes. Please see the school uniform policy if you are unsure.

PE is on Wednesday. PE kit needs to be brought into school in a drawstring bag. Trainers are be worn outside and pumps inside.

Homework: given out on Friday to be completed by the following Thursday. All homework is set online the year- Mirodo, Spelling Shed, TT Rockstars (logins can be found in your child’s planner).

Spelling test: Friday

Children have access to various online resources: Mirodo, MyOn, Accelerated Reader, Spelling Shed, TTrockstars. All children have their individual passwords which can be found at the front of their planners.

Coram Beanstalk

Coram Beanstalk is the chosen charity for 3F for this year. They are a charity who help children in the UK to read so that they have better chances in life. They have been working since 1973 and have helped 1000’s of children to read. We are going to help throughout this year by raising money so that they can help more and more children to read.

Here are some useful links to help support your child’s learning at home.

Mirodo: Mirodo Pupil Dashboard ( 

Spelling Shed:

TT Rockstars:

Purple Mash:


(LBQ will only work on the day your teacher sends the code.)


Accelerated Reader:

