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Curriculum Jigsaw

Our curriculum is enquiry based focusing upon key knowledge for all subjects ensuring that everyone understands all areas in much greater depth by carefully planned learning progression throughout school. Children in each year group are developing their questioning skills to further extend their love of learning. Advancing the children’s speaking and listening skills is an important part of each area within the curriculum. We have high expectations for all groups of children ensuring that everyone is engaged, enthused, suitably challenged and has an ever growing variety of opportunities to demonstrate their pace and depth of learning. Our children are provided with a purposeful, inspiring and interesting curriculum that is further enhanced by visits, visitors and cross-curricular links as demonstrated in our Learning Links work. Our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural links underpin all subject areas and school life, and ensure pupils are aware of the history and values of Britain and prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.

Target setting and Assessment for Learning are being used on a daily basis to personalize your child’s learning, making sure that they are being challenged and are maximizing levels of progress. As you are already aware, your child receives new targets each half term for the core subject areas; reading, writing, speaking and listening and mathematics. These are communicated with home via your child’s individual learning diary. As your child progresses through each curriculum area they will have their targets reviewed and new ones set. These will be discussed with parents via reports and parents evenings.

As we have shared with you already in school and electronically, age expectations children within a particular year group are intended to reach. (These are the targets that your child is being set each half term and which have already been discussed with you at the ‘meet the teacher’ meeting in September.) When you meet with teachers you will now discuss whether your child is emerging, developing or secure in areas of their curriculum for their ability and age. The curriculum tab on the school website has copies of all information shared regarding achievement and progress updates.

Learning across school, for all groups of children, is underpinned by our learning ethos of developing resilience and independence using praise. Please refer to the school website to review the non-negotiable expectations for each year group and to re-familiarize yourselves with the parent leaflets about the core areas of the curriculum. Each year group shares their proposed questions to lead the learning objectives for that term via a curriculum jigsaw found on the class blog, as well as the curriculum drop down. As a school we promote the following principles:

Formative and summative assessment is used to improve teaching and learning and raise achievement.
Accurate and moderated assessments.
Evaluates how well children are performing against age related expectations and identifies children falling behind ensuring there is challenge for all groups of learners.
Reporting to parents will make sure parents understand how well their children are doing against national standards and the progress being made.
Please feel free to make appointments to see individual class teachers or myself to discuss any points further. View our termly curriculum jigsaws for each class below.

Kind Regards

Miss Coldwell

Curriculum and Assessment Deputy Head